Team Leader:
Team Tactical Leader:
Team Members Present:
Subject(s) name(s):
Name - Gamertag
Type of Incident:
Location of Incident:
Outcome of Incident:
Use of Lethal Force? (if not killed, does not count as Lethal Force):
If Lethal Force used and clearance is granted, signature by SIU Officer:
If Lethal Force used and clearance is not granted (leading to Court), signature by SIU Officer:
Any demands?:
If so, were they met?:
If material (such as money), was it returned to Evidence Locker HQ?:
If not, no signature needed, SRU Commander will designate punishment if necessary.
Team Leader Signature:
Team Tactical Leader Signature:
SRU Commander Signature:
Inspecting SIU Officer Signature: